Collection: Robin Red® Premium Fishing Bait Ingredients


Robin Red for Quality Bait Manufacturers:

  • Robin Red® HB Fishing Bait: Designed for robust hook baits.
  • Robin Red® Natural: Versatile for all bait types - no artificial dyes.
  • Robin Gold® Natural: For vibrant, gold-coloured baits.
  • Robin Green® Natural with Spirulina: Infused with 20% Spirulina for a natural green hue.
  • Robin Orange® Natural: Adds a bright orange colour with natural attraction.
  • Spanish Pepper RRR Natural: A spicy twist for enhanced bait appeal.

Why switch to natural?

Colour & flavour quality baits naturally with ROBIN RED®, ROBIN GOLD®, ROBIN GREEN®, and ROBIN ORANGE® - natural colour foods with natural flavourings, without e-numbers.  

This is where you can find natural colour food attraction for your carp fishing baits (animal feed) in a world demanding cleaner, more natural ingredients and UK/EU labelling compliance for bait/ground bait.

Don't settle for Robin Red copies - buy direct from Haith's.

Key Ingredients for Eco-Conscious Bait Production 

Robin Red® Natural stands at the forefront of sustainable bait production. Each product in this line is crafted with the environment in mind, offering a responsible choice for bait manufacturers.

Embrace Nature's Attraction.

Image shows Robin Gold, Robin Orange and Robin Green barrel boilies rolled with Nutrabait’s Enervite, read more about the tests we conducted. 

Robin Red® Premium Fishing Bait Ingredients



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  • Complies with UK regulations for animal feed being used in bait:

    Our new formula ensures compliance with animal feed regulations in the UK in as much as removing e-numbers. Wherever you are in Europe, we can help you grow your sales.

  • Enhanced sensory attraction:

    The NEW Robin Red® offers higher levels of natural sensory attraction, ensuring fish are irresistibly drawn to your baits.

  • Promotes fish welfare:

    We prioritise fish welfare and have designed our natural formulas to protect aquatic life from chemicals and unwanted e-numbers. Both colour and attraction can be delivered naturally.

Why choose Haith's?

Advantages of Robin Red Naturals in Commercial Bait Making

Choosing Robin Red® Naturals for your bait formulations means opting for ingredients that are not only effective in attracting carp but also safe and sustainable. These products represent an ethical approach to bait manufacturing, offering a significant advantage in an industry increasingly focused on environmental responsibility. By incorporating these natural attractants, manufacturers can create baits that are not only appealing to fish but also align with the evolving consumer preference for eco-friendly products.

Enhancing Carp Bait with Robin Red Naturals

Incorporating Robin Red® Naturals into your bait products significantly increases their appeal to carp. Their natural formulations ensure your baits stand out in the competitive market, offering a unique selling point. The use of these natural ingredients can also lead to improved customer satisfaction, as anglers often report better fishing experiences with baits that contain high-quality, natural components.

Customising Your Bait with Robin Red Naturals

Robin Red® Naturals offers the flexibility to create customised bait formulations. Whether you're targeting specific carp behaviours or adapting to different fishing conditions, our range allows for innovative combinations and formulations. This versatility is particularly beneficial for bait manufacturers who wish to develop unique products that stand out in the market. By integrating Robin Red® Naturals into your product line, you can cater to a diverse range of anglers' needs and preferences.

Building Brand Loyalty with Quality Ingredients

The consistent quality of Robin Red® Naturals helps in building and maintaining brand loyalty among your customer base. Anglers who experience the effectiveness of baits made with these natural ingredients are more likely to become repeat customers. By using Robin Red® Naturals, you're not just selling a product; you're providing an experience that anglers trust and rely on, which in turn, strengthens your brand's reputation in the market.

Environmental and Regulatory Benefits for Bait Manufacturers

Choosing Robin Red® Naturals provides significant environmental and regulatory benefits for bait manufacturers. These products align with current environmental values and meet stringent regulatory standards, ensuring a responsible and compliant bait manufacturing process. By using these ingredients, manufacturers can confidently market their products as eco-friendly and regulation-compliant, which is increasingly important in global markets where consumers and regulators demand higher environmental standards.

Robin Red Naturals FAQs 

How Can Robin Red Naturals Benefit Bait Production Businesses?

Robin Red® Naturals offer a unique blend of natural effectiveness and regulatory compliance, enhancing both the quality and marketability of your bait products. By incorporating these ingredients, bait manufacturers can appeal to a growing market of environmentally conscious anglers, ensuring their products stand out for both quality and ecological responsibility. 

Are Robin Red Naturals Suitable for a Range of Carp Fishing Products?

Absolutely. Robin Red® Naturals are incredibly versatile and can be seamlessly integrated into a variety of carp fishing products, including boilies, pellets, and groundbaits. This flexibility allows manufacturers to diversify their product range, catering to different fishing styles and preferences, thus broadening their market appeal. 

How Do Robin Red Naturals Support Sustainable Bait Manufacturing?

Robin Red® Naturals support sustainable bait manufacturing by using eco-friendly ingredients that minimise environmental impact. This commitment to sustainability not only aligns with the growing global emphasis on eco-responsible practices but also resonates with consumers who prefer products that contribute to ecological conservation. By choosing Robin Red® Naturals, manufacturers embrace an approach that respects both nature and industry regulations.

What Makes Robin Red Naturals a Preferred Choice for Wholesale Buyers?

For wholesale buyers, Robin Red® Naturals is a preferred choice due to its combination of natural appeal, regulatory compliance, and environmental responsibility. These aspects make it an attractive option for retailers and distributors looking to offer high-quality, eco-conscious bait ingredients to their customers. Additionally, the reputation of Robin Red® as a trusted brand in the carp fishing community adds significant value to the products they choose to stock and sell.